Saurage and Rotenberg

Saurage Rotenberg News


Bridging the Gap

A new breed of lenders is providing capital in today’s market.

Cap Rates and Market Rents

According to a recent survey by CB Richard Ellis ( link provided below), CAP rates in some of the larger capital markets are starting to come down…

Investment Quarterly Review

Despite recent positive trends indicating a turn-around in our local markets, the recently released RERC/CCIM Investment Quarterly 1st Q 2010 Review tells a slightly different story and can best be summarized to say that commercial real estate activity remains weak as a whole from a national perspective…

Between Barack and a Hard Place

Have you heard about the new 504 program being touted by the Obama administration? It is a new program designed to increase loans to small businesses. It also includes lending for the acquisition and improvement of commercial real estate.

Cap and Trade

Have you heard about the future impact of the widening of the Panama Canal? If you haven’t, you need to know. The impact of this on the industrial sector of commercial real estate could be as big as the impact of the housing boom to residential in the early 2000’s…